Thursday 14 April 2011

Dots Forming Lines, Forming an Image


My image is made in photoshop and is trying to depict the emotion fear. It is supposed to resemble a scary face. The face is shown by the various dots on a stain glass window made into an image by being coloured in certain places. I thought of this when thinking of dots becoming lines, and then lines forming the image.

The stain glass canvas was made by having two similar dark grey colours and using a filter effect to create a tear texture, then using another filter to turn it into a stain-glass looking image with shades of grey. By then using the magic wand tool i selected certain dots on the glass and used the selection on a new layer then filling it with a gradient. Selecting each dot and doing a gradient for each was time consuming but helped to slowly picture the image i had in my head. Once the dots were done i created another layer that is an overlay to make an outline of a hood, something that like a Grim Reaper horror figure would have. This helped to stand out the facial features.

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